Smokin' woman

On 1 September - the first day of Spring - the cost of a packet of cigarettes increased by 12.5 per cent, a move welcomed by Northern NSW Local Health District, as well as health authorities and practitioners Australia-wide.

The rise, due to a tax increase, is the third tranche of four annual tax increases on tobacco that will deliver a 60 per cent increase by 1 December 2016.

NNSW LHD Health Promotion Manager Jillian Adams said, “Although smoking levels have declined dramatically in the past 30 years there are still around 19 per cent of adults smoking in our area.

“Many of these smokers are nicotine-dependent and find it really hard to quit. To help them, NNSW LHD will now be offering free quit smoking programs in most locations.

“The quit programs are 3 or 6 weeks long and will help support smokers quit for good,” said Ms Adams.

Current estimates suggest that a pack-a-day smoker spends around $5,000 a year on the habit. Perhaps more concerning is that smoking costs Australia $31.5 billion in social (including health) and economic costs. It kills more people than alcohol, other drugs, murder, suicide, road crashes, rail crashes, air crashes, poisoning, drowning, fires, falls, lightning, electrocution, snakes, spiders - and sharks - combined.

Free local Quit Smoking programs can be accessed through Christine on 0417 474 417. Quitline on 13 7848 (13 QUIT) offers free individual phone support.