In consultation with a gastroenterologist, hepatologist or infectious diseases specialist experienced in the treatment of hepatitis C, GPs can now prescribe the new interferon-free treatments for the disease.

North Coast Public Health Director Paul Corben said, “The three main public treatment services in Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour and Lismore (and their respective outreach clinics) will be using a faxback service, although it is still early days and not all clinics have access to the full range of specialists yet.” 

Faxback forms and details of referral requirements are available from the clinics in the first instance.

The clinics are in the process of updating the Health Pathways website and the LHD websites and information on management will be posted there soon.” Mr Corben added.

Local updates will be published in the NCPHN fortnightly newsletter as changes happen.

Essential reading for GPs interested in prescribing the new drugs is available from the GESA website. 

Further details from the regional Liver Clinics at Lismore (6620 7539), Coffs Harbour (6656 7939) and Port Macquarie (02 6588 2750).