This year has been unforgettable, to paraphrase Nat King Cole (though not necessarily for the same reasons!). However, 2020 has presented NorDocs with some new opportunities, along with new challenges. We are pleased that membership has expanded from GPs to include all doctors working in the Northern Rivers.

We are also pleased that our Board membership has increased and we welcome new Lismore Base Hospital staff surgeon, Trafford Fehlberg, and Mullumbimby GP, Helen Lloyd, to the Board.

The aim of NorDocs is to represent all medical practitioners within our region and to advocate on any issue that either impacts us or which we feel needs addressing.

We try to be an open and welcoming forum for members to discuss any matters that they wish, as well as being a forum for further education of our members.

This year we welcome our new administrative officer, Linda Ward, who has a background in nursing and practice management. Linda currently runs her own consulting business on medical practice administration, and in the past has worked for the Improvement Foundation and the North Coast Primary Health Network.

I would like to thank both Linda and David Guest for all their hard work in establishing the monthly NorDocs Webinars, which we plan to continue next year. The topics pencilled in so far are ENT, Orthopaedics, Eating Disorders, Palliative Care, Gynaecology and Surgery, and we welcome suggestions for more topics and for local speakers.

Breaking down the silos in healthcare is an important part of improving patient care. Recently myself and GP members of the organisation have joined with the Northern NSW Local Health District working group on improving wound management.

By working with local podiatrists and community nurses across the whole footprint of the LHD we aim to improve management of this time consuming, expensive and often chronic problem. GP and private podiatry participation has been aided through financial support from the North Coast Primary Health Network. The group hopes to release its recommendations in the second half of 2021.

We are keen to hear from any of our members about any issues or ideas that you may have for better healthcare on the North Coast. We can be contacted on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or email Linda Ward directly on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We wish you all a safe and happy holiday season, and a well earned break.