The Hannah Cabinet Video
Director Ross Bray; cinematographer Steve Munro

As part of the promotion to raise funds for the retention of the Hannah Cabinet in Lismore (see adjoining page) local filmmaker Ross Bray and cinematographer Steve Munro have produced a 30 minute film on the cabinet and its maker Geoff Hannah.

The film produced by local business owners Brian Henry and Gaela Hurford  covers Geoff’s upbringing and family life and his early courting of his wife Rhonda since first meeting in their teenage years. Geoff tells of how he started in woodwork with local firm Brown and Jolly’s where he developed a love for his craft.

His unique ability was recognised at an early age and in his early thirties he travelled to England and France on a Churchill Fellowship to increase his knowledge in the esoteric field of 17th century cabinet making.

Geoff’s humble approach to his work is inspiring and shows what a life of dedication can achieve and is an example to us all.

The film with bring a tear to the eye of nearly all viewers. For those for whom it does not, they can assuage their lack of feeling by buying a drawer as part of the fund raising effort.