NorDocs, the Northern Rivers group of doctors that discusses local medical matters on its FaceBook page, is holding its second forum on 1 June 2019 at UCRH, Lismore, opposite Lismore Base Hospital. The forum will run from 9 am to 5 pm.

The conference is based on the Unconference format where many of the delegates are also the presenters. This format provides the flexibility for participants to present and discuss matters that are of interest to them. These may be small items or short lived issues that would not normally attract the attention of larger medical organisations like Primary Health Networks or Local Hospital Districts.

The format for the days is a plenary session in the morning followed by two concurrent streams with each stream comprised of 6 individual slots lasting 30 minutes. The format can vary from a TED Talk style presentation lasting 15 to 20 minutes followed by a discussion for 10 to 5 minutes, to the opposite, where a brief outline of a problem can be followed by a 20 minute group discussion. However, all talks finish after 25 minutes to allow the next presenter to set up and for participants to change rooms.

If you have an itch to scratch the unconference format is your venue. NorDocs aims to encourage communication and collaboration and while no topic is off limits the event is the ideal platform for discussion of local medical issues.

As Kaliya Young notes in her Unconferencing - how to prepare to attend an unconference, "it's OK if only two people turn up to your talk since you have found the two people who are interested in your topic".

The day finishes with a panel discussion on the topic of "Discharge Summary or Same Day Handover".

The event is open to all staff in medicine including nursing, allied health, medical administrators and practice managers.

The talks are recorded for those unable to attend (and for those who wish to go to the talk in the other stream) and are released about six weeks after the event. Talks from the two rooms will be streamed over Zoom

Register at Eventbrite. The $40 fee covers meals. The discount rate for students doctors in training is $20.

Those wishing to be added to the line up should email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with their name and topic. Participants requiring certificates of attendance or ACCRM points should also email this address. 

See you there ... or on twitter at #nordocs


Time  Stream 1- Lecture theatre Stream 2 - Fern Room
209 535 149
 9.00  Registration
General admission- $40; Student and Residents - $20
9.15 Introduction to the Unconference - David Guest, Louise Imlay-Gillespie
09.30  Shared Decision Making -  Dr Nick Zdenkowski
10.30  Morning Tea
11.00 Rural Surgical Training - Sally Butchers Sawbones - Northern Rivers Docs 1866-1986 - Dr Neil Thompson
11.30 The History of Medical Cannabis - Bob Lodge  Closing the Gap in Medical Communication - Marion Tait 
12.00 "A Moveable Feast. Maintaining effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnoea, Rare Wines and Respiratory Infections" - Joe Duncan  The psychosocial and cultural determinants of chronic disease - Andrew Binns
12.30 Lunch 
13.30 Modern stroke management- Jowita Kowslowska  Global Surgery and Timor Leste- Trafford Fehlberg
14.00 Is Aging a Disease? - Richard Lucas  Life as a JMO at the Northern Rivers - Zhi Kiat Sia
14.30 Bariatric Surgery- Gratian Punch  Graphic medicine and patient voices (roughcut) - Sharyn White 
15.00 Afternoon Tea

Panel Discussion - "Discharge Summary or Same Day Handover?"
Kat McLean, Tony Lembke, Katherine Willis-Sullivan and Sabine Ringowski

17.00 Close