Destination Medicine

Navigating the path from medical school to fully-fledged doctor can be a maze of choices and options, with many forks in the road. With over 23 specialties, 81 fields of speciality practice and 86 speciality titles, young medical trainees must, at some point, choose what area of medicine is for them.

To help make this choice, the Regional Training Hubs network has launched a new podcast, Destination Medicine. The initial series of eight episodes includes a range of conversations, featuring current doctors, specialists and medical students discussing career choices, what they enjoy about their area of expertise and why they’ve chosen to work in various locations.

The podcast is a great source of information and inspiration, presented in a creative way to help our emerging doctors make informed career decisions,” Dr Sue Velovski, Clinical Director Northern NSW Regional Training Hub, Lismore, said.

It is important to allow trainees to realise that their training in regional and rural centres does not jeopardise their career in medicine. In fact, in many cases, it will enhance their future prospects in their chosen field.”

The network of Regional Training Hubs was created in 2017 by the Federal Government to promote and help organise specialist training in regional areas.

We work across the organisations involved in medical education and training, from university to various workplaces; including public and private hospitals,” Dr Velovski said.

We are all working to improve the coordination of all stages of medical training, from medical student to fellowship, so our future doctors can maximise their opportunities and hopefully gain as much of their medical training as possible within our regional and rural areas. Destination Medicine is just one of those initiatives.”

Destination Medicine’ was officially launched today at this year’s Rural Medicine Australia Conference on the Gold Coast.

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