The Annual General Meeting of the Northern Rivers General Practice Network (NSW) Limited ACN 062 273 036 will be held at St Vincent’s Hospital meeting room on the 19th day of December 2019 at 6.15 pm. 

It will be followed at 6.30 pm by a Special General Meeting of the NRGPN for the consideration of and, if thought fit, passing of the appended resolutions as special resolutions for the amendment of the Constitution. 

Voting for the AGM can be done at the meeting or by downloading the voting pack from the NRGPN website. 

Voting for the SGM will be through the GoVote online portal. NRGPN members wishing to vote will need to provide their name, practice name and personal email address to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with subject line "Constitutional Amendment Vote" by the 2nd of December 2019. 

Should the resolution be passed it will become effective immediately and there will be a subsequent call for Directors from the expanded membership. 

It is anticipated that this new meeting will be held in February / March 2020. 


ACN 062 273 036



Take notice that a Special General Meeting of the Northern Rivers General Practice Network (NSW) Limited will be held at (insert address) on the 19th day of December 2019 at ______ am/pm for the consideration of and, if thought fit, passing of the following resolutions as special resolutions for the amendment of the constitution:

  1. 1.1 Amend the definition of “company” to read:

“Company” means the Northern Rivers Medical Network (NSW) Limited trading as Nordocs”

  1. Amend sub-clauses 2.3 a – e, g, i and m to read:
    1. “To maintain and improve standards of general practice and other medical specialties through research, communication, quality assurance and continuing education.
    2. To improve communication and cooperation within the general practitioner community and between general practitioners and other medical practitioners in the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales.
    3. To improve communication between medical practitioners and other parties and people involved in health service provision or development.
    4. To improve the health care of the residents of the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, by utilising the skills, knowledge and experience of local general practitioners and other medical practitioners/specialists more effectively within the regional health system;
    5. To advocate on behalf of general practitioners and other medical practitioners;
    6. To provide all general practitioners access to forums in which they can discuss health issues and have an input into the planning and development of local and regional health policies, programs and services.
    7. To involve general practitioners more in hospital care of patients with the aim of enabling general practitioners to share clinical responsibility for the care of their patients and to act as a bridge between community medicine and hospital based care.
  2. Amend sub-clause 12.1 a. to read:
    1. ‘The company must have a minimum of six (6) Directors and a maximum of (11) Directors of which one half of their number must be general practitioners.”
  3. Amend clause 12 to include the following additional sub-clauses:
    1. ‘A director may also be any other medical practitioner whether a general practitioner or other medical doctor (including registrars, registrar doctors in training) with a medical practitioner and specialist to mean as defined in the Medical Board of Australia definition.
    2. Any member of the company must reside or work within the geographical region of the Northern Rivers bounded to the north by the Northern New South Wales border and to the south by the Clarence River but including the city of Grafton”


DATED this _______ day of __________________________________, 2019.

BY ORDER of the Board


[Signature of secretary]

