NORDOCS - Northern Rivers Doctors Group

The videos from the 2019 Nordocs Unconference are now available from the GPSpeak website for members of the Nordocs FaceBook community. The videos are best viewed along with the associated slides that can be downloaded and viewed in a separate tab or application. 

Highlights of the conference were Dr Nick Zdenkowski’s talk on Shared Decision Making with particular reference to breast cancer. Dr Bob Lodge provided a History of Medicinal Cannabis use and Dr Joe Duncan, a former vigneron, provided insights to CPAP, atypical pneumonia and... wines. 

Dr Sally Butchers and doctor in training, Dr Zhi Kiat Sia, spoke of training as a medical practitioner in rural Australia, while Dr Trafford Fehlberg had the most dramatic slides of the conference from his year as a surgical consultant and supervisor in Timor Leste. 

Dr Jowtia Kozlowska provided a very helpful update in modern stroke management and her article on the same topic appears elsewhere in this issue.

The ageing practitioner will be interested in Dr Richard Lucas’ discussion of “Is Ageing a Disease”. There seems to be no panacea, with a healthy lifestyle remaining the best strategy -  a point that was also made in Dr Andrew Binns’ discussion on “The psychosocial and cultural determinants of chronic disease”. 

Dr Marion Tait, Karen Day and Cheree Freeburn gave pointers to improved communication in ATSI health and similarly Sharyn White reminded us of the importance of communication in medicine. Data might inform us but stories move us. 

Finally Dr Neil Thompson presented excerpts and some of the juicy bits left out of his book, “Sawbones, Saddle Burns & Soothing Balms - A history of the local medical fraternity from 1866 to 1986”. 

The links and videos are password protected but access is available through the Nordocs Facebook group