Dr Sue Baumann
Dr Sue Baumann

Neurological Services return to the North Coast 

After a gap of four years neurological services have returned to the North Coast. 

This is welcome news for local GPs and their patients who had been forced to travel to the Gold Coast for basic neurological services. It will be particularly welcome to orthopaedic and general surgeons evaluating carpal tunnel and other upper limb neuropathies. 

Dr Sue Baumann has relocated from Melbourne where she undertook a neurophysiology fellowship in nerve conduction studies and electromyography at the Austin Hospital. She has also completed a Doctorate of Philosophy in motor neurone disease at the University of Queensland. 

In addition to her research in peripheral neuromuscular disorders she cares for patients with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and cerebrovascular disease. She has a special interest in the management of migraines and offers botulinum toxin injections for the treatment of this condition.

She performs nerve conduction studies through her rooms at St Vincent’s Private Hospital, Lismore. An EEG is not offered at this juncture.

GPs can refer patients to Dr Baumann by faxing a referral to her rooms or by sending the referral electronically through the Medical Objects system. Patients are triaged and then contacted directly by her service. 

GPSpeak welcomes Dr Baumann to the North Coast and appreciates this much needed addition to the clinical services in our area.