Dr Michael Douglas
Dr Michael Douglas

The University Centre for Rural Health is seeking input from Northern Rivers GPs on a study exploring illicit drug use and associated harms in the area covered by Northern NSW Local Health District (Tweed-Grafton).

The study’s aim is to address an identified knowledge gap about local drug use, and to establish a Rural Drug Monitoring System, according to Dr Michael Douglas, UCRH’s Director of Education.

“Currently, we know very little about the harms associated with drug use, and the implications for relevant services. We are seeking input from General Practitioners, many of whom are at the front line of the issue,” he added.

“We would be most grateful if GPs are able to support this research by engaging in an interview exploring the matter. The interview can be done face-to-face or by telephone, at a time of their convenience, and is expected to take about 30 minutes.”

The research is being undertaken by senior staff at UCRH, supported by a team of medical students. 

Practitioners interested in helping are invited to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (02) 6620 7570