Dr Sally Butchers with dance teachers, Martin and Heather Elphinstone
Dr Sally Butchers with dance teachers, Martin and Heather Elphinstone

Having family, friends and patients going through their cancer journeys I am very happy to support the wonderful work of the Cancer Council, which raises money to help patients in many different ways and to help fund research with the aim of a cancer free future.

Less spontaneous, for a surgeon who hasn’t danced properly for 30 years, was accepting an invitation for this year’s Dance for Cancer in Lismore. The decision was both exciting and scary, but I soon found myself in the hands of amazing teachers -  thank you to Martin and Heather Elphinstone. They have taken me from being a dance leader, the largest in my long-ago ballet class, to being a follower - no easy task. They have also taken me into the amazing world of Cuban dancing, such an elegant style and so much fun to do.

My husband Dave and fantastic friend Anne have been so supportive through this journey. From a Hool-a-hoop class to a High Tea, a Wine drive and a Bunnings’ cake stall to a French movie night  - we have had lots of fun raising money. We still have a Karaoke night and a Cuban night left to go. Also we have two raffles running and an on-line art auction. Local doctors including Dr Stephen Moore who has donated original works and Dr Andrew Binns who has donated some indigenous works.

The Community has been amazing with its generosity in donating goods, vouchers, and money. It has been overwhelming. Special thanks go to North Coast Surgical Suites and Lismore Base Hospital Medical Staff Council for their very generous support.

For raffle tickets please email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For the Art auction please go to https://www.32auctions.com/sbdanceforcancer